reindeer tour
I’m Anuka. I grew up in Tsagaannuur, a village in Northern Mongolia, close to the Dukha Reindeer Herders. I graduated from University with a degree in Tourism Management in order to further pursue my dream of introducing our beautiful landscape and culture to people from around the world. For the last six years, I have worked as a guide.
Mongolian Reindeer People or Tsaatan, a diminishing nomadic tribe who live in the depths of the Taiga in northern Mongolia are one of the last groups of nomadic reindeer herders in the world.
There about 400 Dukha people of 70-80 families live in communities, usually a group of two to seven households.
Mongolian reindeer people life is completely dependent on the Reindeer they herd, often moving their small encampment tepees 5-10 times a year in search of suitable weather and moss for the reindeer.
We are an experienced tour team consisting of only local people, so we can give you satisfaction. And your investment will have a positive impact on the livelihood of local people.